The aim of curriculum committee shall be to approve new and revised curriculum and academic policies to ensure compliance with Kerala university of Health sciences and Indian Nursing Council.
- Plan, modify and evaluate UG and PG nursing curriculum.
- Systematically evaluate the professional educational requirements for the curriculum.
- Implement regular ongoing formal evaluation of the curriculum as specified in the College of Nursing evaluation plan.
- Review and approve requests for adding, deleting and or modifying individual nursing curriculum activities.

Mrs.Sajana Koshy
Anti-Ragging Committee responsible for inculcating Culture of Ragging Free Environment in the Campus. The Anti-Ragging Squad office bearers will work under the supervision of Anti Ragging Committee and to engage in the work of checking places like Hostels, Buses, Canteens, Classrooms, and other places of student congregation.
Indian Nursing Council (INC) has made it very clear that all INC-approved institutions should strictly follow the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
- Creating a ragging-free atmosphere in and outside the
- Creating awareness among students regarding acts and punishments pertaining to ragging activities.

Sr.Sajeena SD
Library committee is formulated for the smooth access and utilization of books ,and journals for the staff and students of the college.

Sr. Rigy Mathew S D
The SNA aids in the development of the whole person, his/her professional role and his/her responsibility for healthcare of people in all walks of life.
Each Nursing student is encouraged to cultivate leadership skills within the SNA and through membership.
Unit meetings are conducted periodically and whenever necessary. Important days of the year are celebrated in different creative ways.

Mrs.Athira K.P
Parent, teacher meetings are conducted regularly and whenever necessary. Their valuable suggestion and support are the real strength for the progress of the college. Progress reports of the students are given to the parents three times in a year.
PTA Executive Committee members

Mrs.Sheela P Ithapiri